Superman #313


DC ⋅ 1977

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Issue Details



Cover Artist

Neal Adams


Martin Pasko


Curt Swan


Dan Adkins


Jerry Serpe


July 1977


The story so far. An alien plague has been unleashed, at a journalist's convention, in Central City. Superman mistakenly believed that Nam-Ek, a mutated Kryptonian scientist, was the party responsible for the epidemic. After a pitched confrontation, Superman believed that Nam-Ek had been killed. In reality, Nam-Ek was teleported to an alien spacecraft, in Earth orbit, under the command of Amalak, the true architect of the plague. After constructing a special infirmary for the plague victims, Superman and Supergirl discovered Amalak's spaceship. While Superman was again able to defeat Nam-Ek, encasing him in a jeweled coffin that blocked out the sun's power giving rays, Amalak bested Supergirl. Holding Supergirl at gunpoint, Amalak demands Superman return to Earth, though he allows Superman to keep Nam-Ek as his prisoner.Accepting the fact that he cannot kill Superman, Amalak has engaged in a campaign to psychologically cripple the Man Of Steel. Amalak's first weapon is guilt, the overwhelming guilt Superman will feel when people begin dying from a plague he cannot stop The second arm of Amalak's strategy is to place Superman in a situation where he absolutely has to break his code against killing, thus ending the Man of Steel's career. Having no further use for Supergirl, Amalak shoots her with his star-cannon, to no effect. Unbeknownst to Amalak, while Superman was onboard the ship, he used his heat vision to fuse the barrel of the star-cannon shut. Supergirl takes this opportunity to break free of her bonds and beat Amalak into unconsciousness. Superman delivers the imprisoned body of Nam-Ek to the infirmary. Nam-Ek's mutation is the result of drinking a potion made from a Kryptonian animal's horn. Nam-Ek, himself, sprouted a Rondor horn when he mutated. The horn emits a universal healing radiation, which begins to cure the plague. Before Supergirl can completely tie Amalak down, the alien villain escapes. Reaching his weapon's console, Amalak activates an electro-surrogate...

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